Self-Heal Flower Essence

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Self-Heal strengthens your resolve and puts you in charge of your recovery process with a newfound faith for healing. It is a very beneficial remedy for those who face physical, mental or spiritual healing challenges, or anyone who is trying to take better care of themselves. In addition to intuitively tuning you in to what you personally need for healing (never mind the gurus) it helps you take charge and do the things that you know you need to do to be well, and do them consistently. Sometimes the recovery process is hard. Self-Heal is your personal motivator and cheerleader, instilling in you the will to keep moving forward. 

Other Products Containing Self Heal Flower Essence:

  • Recovery essence blend instills support and strengthening during illness. Encourages a positive "overcomer" attitude, alleviates health related fears and helps you get in touch with what your body mind and spirit need for total healing.
  • Aftershock flower essence for healing after any kind of deeply emotional shock, old or new. 
  • Menoblend for support during menopause. Facilitates a smoother, healthier transition.
  • Aunt Flo's Secret Weapon helps to reduce moodiness, irritability, tearfulness and cramping associated with your monthly cycle. 
  • Smoke Free flower essence for support when quitting smoking or vaping.
  • Bug Smasher Bioessence carefully crafted blend combines the might of Mother Nature with advanced wellness technology, creating a formidable shield to help keep your kids healthy and happy.
  • Detox Drops Bioresonance Blend combine flowers that help sever bonds between toxins and the emotions that have kept them in place.
  • Variant Bioessence Blend a harmonious blend of specially targeted hertz frequencies, soothing flower essences, and essential nutritional support to fortify your body's innate wellness.
  • Craving Control helps foster a healthy mindset, proper motivation, and addresses the emotional aspects of stress eating, addiction and self-medicating. 
  • Adrenal Support Bioessence a powerful and comprehensive supplement meticulously crafted to nourish and revitalize your adrenal glands
  • Recovery for Pets for resiliency and support during illness.


This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.