Good Grief Flower Essence


Ease and Release Emotional Distress

"My husband passed away recently and this has been invaluable help. So grateful for these essences." -Lea

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The "Good Grief" essence is a blend of very comforting, shock releasing essences with some Onion in there to get the process started or stopped as needed.  Use in the event of a death, breakup or any time you're dealing with a loss.
Good Grief Flower Essence can help with:
  • Crying if you need to, or stopping it if you can't quit
  • Going the fastest route through the grieving process
  • Soothing during a time of emotional distress
  • Releasing emotional pain of heartbreak and co-dependency
  • Releasing painful emotions
  • Assisting with relationships that end
  • Lifting up a heavy heart
  • Facing difficult situations
  • Neutralizing any kind of trauma 
Flower Essences Used:
Onion flower essence will get you crying if you need to cry and stop you up if you can't quit, or if you're holding onto pain excessively and need to move on. It's great because you don't have to try and figure out whether you're reacting appropriately or not, its a no-brainer, it will balance you. It's very important to grieve fully and completely but we don't want to be big wussies and cry all the time. Onion will help you do what is right for you. Onion is your fastest route through the grieving process. It first helps you access your emotions, express them completely and them move it on out. It works both on present situations and past grief that has been bottled up.
Chamomile is a super soother, especially for emotional distress that ends up manifesting in the stomach. Very comforting after crying. 
Bleeding Heart is for heart break and codependency.  It helps to release painful emotional attachments and restores balance, helping you to live and love with your whole heart, not from brokenness and neediness.  A good essence to take when a relationship ends, whether a breakup, a death, or a move.
Borage flower essence is excellent to lift up heavy hearts and to encourage the user.   It imbues the person with optimism, gladness, courage and enthusiasm.  Borage should be used for any situation that is difficult to face, or when you are feeling disheartened or discouraged.  Borage is a great heart remedy, opening you to feel greater levels of love and compassion.
Star of Bethlehem is the classic trauma essence. Whether old trauma or new, it helps people find reassurance and rapidly neutralizes any kind of trauma. Sometimes death of a loved one is a shock, or the shock of realizing that someone is terminal. We start grieving as soon as the bad news is delivered.

Catalpa is a deep heart healer that can be effective either for present wounding or old childhood pain that persists. This one is especially indicated for any type of abandonment, betrayal or feelings of being unloved. For children and adults who are going through divorce or separation, or dealing with a death, Catalpa is a comforter and a reassurance that they are worthy of love, and that love is a force they can never truly be separated from.  

This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
We recommend taking no more than one blend at a time. Here's why and some possible work arounds.
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

Your order comes with dosing instructions, here's how to use essences if you want to read up before your order arrives.  

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.