Bravely You Program

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We all want to be authentic, even if we don't know what that means personally. Being yourself is not about standing out, or being different, although authenticity may do that for you. It's about following your own path, going after your own destiny, and using your gifts without comparing them to others. Authenticity is a precursor to your true purpose in life. 

Most of us have had experiences in our younger years that have taught us that who we are is not acceptable. We may know that is a lie at this time in our lives, but have formed ways of fitting in that we aren't even aware of. 

This program is intended to go with our Bravely You essence blend


“We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.” André Berthiaume.  

Separating who we are from our facade isn't always a straightforward process. Yet, it's a necessary step in pursuing our life purpose, finding legitimate community, having worthwhile relationships, and being comfortable in our own skin. 

Moreover, by being someone you are not, you are telling yourself that who you really are is not ok. When you have low self-worth, it often spirals into bad relationships, and settling for less in life. It also puts you at greater risk to certain physical ailments that are rooted in self-rejection such as adrenal fatigue, candida, hypothyroidism, stroke, psoriasis, autoimmune problems, endometriosis and others.

Delivered via email, the 30 Day Authenticity Program includes exercises and energy work to help you find your way to greater self-acceptance and to feel safer revealing your true self to the world. You will need to be an email subscriber to take part in this.  


Get the Bravely You essence or essence and program together here.